Ai-chan Designs

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There are two Aguu at Neo Park. The boy is called Kuro, but the girl didn’t have a name when she first came to the park. I asked Matsuda-san to name her after me, and now the girl Aguu is known as Ai-chan. Adorable in every way from the softness behind her ears to the way she stands up and rests her front legs on the fence when you have food, she is the perfect mascot for my accessory line created especially for Neo Park.

Shibako the Shiba-ken (my favorite dog at Neo Park) and Nancy the Pomeranian (Kinjo-san’s favorite).

Yuusaku the standard poodle (Matsuda-san’s favorite)

Peacocks are gorgeous. This one’s name is Jack, short for “kujack”, meaning peacock in Japanese.

One of the two “tour of Neo Park for the incapacitated or too-lazy-to-walk” trains that Kinjo-san drives. Seriously, though, he does a great job. And it’s a cute train.

Pirarucu, the largest freshwater fish in the Amazon and probably in the world, make a really cool smashing noise when you feed them.

This just in time for Christmas…

(This is actually my cousins’ dog, not one of the dogs at Neo Park – I’m just showing her as an example of a Christmas ornament!)

More photos coming soon!


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