
It means something like “Fly toward your dreams!”  This is one of the few Japanese words I did not know prior to working for the elementary school.  The principal very kindly explained it to me and then asked me to illustrate the word for the school, because he had been impressed with my Shimafuwa comic at the teacher training event.  This is what I came up with: 


I would have positioned it better so little Kanta’s feet aren’t hanging off the edge and probably gone over the whole thing in acrylic paint if I’d had more than two days’ notice before it had to be handed in.  And I might have actually looked at photos of the six children I chose to appear in the picture (yes, I do play favorites – why shouldn’t you get recognition for having a good attitude in class?), as well as a photo of a pigeon.  But as it turned out, the principal was very happy with it and told me that now all of the students would remember me even after I left because my drawing would hang over the back entrance to the school for at least as long as he was principal.


Habataku closeup


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