
My cousin, Candace Okamura (a rather well-established T-shirt designer in Honolulu), asked me to help with the design for this shirt, which ended up winning a prize on Threadless.com!  She needed my advanced understanding of the Japanese language to… come up with a few sentences in ridiculous, laughable Japanese (think of the English that appears on THEIR T-shirts).  It’s fun to wear it around Japan – I get the strangest looks, especially when I go to a restaurant and ask for chopsticks in perfect Japanese when they hand me a fork.

Check out Candace’s website too! http://supergoodforyou.com

Sticks of Shame by Candace Okamura

This is the T-shirt I designed for my international circle at Hitotsubashi University to wear at the school festival.  The inspiration for this shirt also came from my cousin Candace, who once left a note on the icebox that had us all ROTFLOL.

It’s a rather primitive design because our budget only allowed for the use of two colors (as opposed to the original 11 I used to draw the design), but my circle mates loved it because it had strange English and a cute girl with attitude and a flower in her hair on it, and they appreciated it even more when I explained what it said (TV dinners and Safeway being such important parts of American culture).

Where are all my TV dinners?

Zoo-themed T-shirts coming soon – please check back!


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