Kids’ Craft Class in Okinawa

I am happy to announce that I will be teaching Sculpey crafts to kids at Global Village in Ginowan City! 

(Adults and teens welcome as well if they don’t mind being around our 4th, 5th and 6th graders.)  

Lessons conducted in Japanese and English as necessary!  



Week 1: Make a magnet

Starting with easy flat shapes, we’ll learn how to form letters out of clay to make a cute magnet. (You can make it a pendant or bracelet if you want to!) 



Week 2: Make Pikachu! manpika-cropped

The lovable, chubby yellow Pokemon is surprisingly easy to make. We’ll make a figure of him together watching the teacher’s example.   




Week 3: Make a seasar

Seasars will always watch over you. You can experiment with many colors of clay and make your own original seasar to watch over your house.  
Wedding seasarsColor Champloo's mascot seasar










Week 4: Make your favorite animal at the zoo

Okinawa is home to many zoos, like Neo Park and Kodomonokuni. If you have a favorite animal from the zoo, bring a photo and learn how to make him or her! (AIKO likes the anteaters at Kodomonokuni.)



Week 5: Make a figure!

You are finally ready to try your hand at making a human-type figure, one of the most difficult challenges known to sculptors and one of the most rewarding when you get it right. Make yourself, your best friend, your mom, or your favorite video game character. Just bring a picture!    ninten1


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